Energy that meets your needs
Whatever the size of your operation, BayWa r.e. is equipped to become your source for green power at a corporate scale. We supply energy to industrial sites, large-scale commerce, public utilities, traders, resellers and consumers. Turn to us for tailor-made solutions to your purchase of green electricity.
The capability to manage clean, sustainable and affordable energy is the competitive advantage we provide to our final customers, supporting their pursuit to play an active role in protecting the environment. We have internally developed dispatching expertise and a range of optimization tools that support power suppliers at every link in the green energy supply chain.
Large Customers
BayWa r.e. is 100% committed to renewable energy – and we believe that the energy used to power industry should be clean, sustainable and affordable. This is why we supply responsible industrial and commercial businesses with green energy. And we do so at fair market prices so that our customers do not face competitive disadvantages.
Tailor your electricity supply to meet your requirements: we customize our packages to suit your usage profile and requirements.
Choose a green electricity supply model from the diverse range of options that we offer. You are sure to find the right supply model for your needs:
- Fixed price model
- Profile tranche model
- Standard products
We are the ideal partner for resellers active throughout Italy who do not have an independent supply system but intend to grow their customer base, achieve service levels and supply standards comparable to vertically integrated operators.
The key factors involved in creating efficient and competitive conditions for resellers are the concentration of trading and procurement skills. Our investment in processes automatization and digitalization enable us to provide a clear and transparent web customer interface, simplifying the management process for the benefit of commercial and marketing activities.
Energy mix
For the purpose of defining the energy MIX, where traceability of the supply through the provision of Guarantees of Origin is not envisaged, the mix communicated by GME is used with reference to the totality of electricity fed into the Italian electricity system:
- 2022
Composition of the initial national mix used for the production of electricity fed into the Italian electricity system in 2023**
Primary sources used % Renewables 7,02% Coal 18,96% Natural gas 62,32% Oil products 1,66% Nuclear 2,99% Other sources 7,05% **pre-final data
Composition of the initial national mix used for the production of electricity fed into the Italian electricity system in 2022*
Primary sources used % Renewables 7,30% Coal 16,58% Natural gas 65,00% Oil products 1,70% Nuclear 2,81% Other sources 6,61% *final data