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local case study


Campania I

Located in Southern Italy with a total capacity of 41.47 MW this wind farm can produce an equivalent green energy enough to supply 49,700 households.

The wind firm is made of 15 Vestas V110 and Vestas V126 turbine models with an hub height between 120 m and 117 meters.

41.7 MW of installed capacity
15 wind turbines
120 m - 117 m hub height

local case study


Campania I

Located in Southern Italy with a total capacity of 41.47 MW this wind farm can produce an equivalent green energy enough to supply 49,700 households.

The wind firm is made of 15 Vestas V110 and Vestas V126 turbine models with an hub height between 120 m and 117 meters.

41.7 MW of installed capacity
15 wind turbines
120 m - 117 m hub height

Project Location

Technical Characteristics

Capacity41.7 MW
Type of wind turbinesVestas V110 - Vestas V126
Number of wind turbines15
Hub height120 m - 117 m
Total height175 m - 180 m
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