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local case study


Lazio I

Located in Central Italy this wind farm has a total capacity of 10 MW. This is equivalent to the annual consumption of 10,000 Italian households.

The wind farm consists of 5 Vestas V110 and Vestas V126 turbine models with an hub height of 95 meters. 

10 MW of installed capacity
5 wind turbines
95 m hub height

local case study


Lazio I

Located in Central Italy this wind farm has a total capacity of 10 MW. This is equivalent to the annual consumption of 10,000 Italian households.

The wind farm consists of 5 Vestas V110 and Vestas V126 turbine models with an hub height of 95 meters. 

10 MW of installed capacity
5 wind turbines
95 m hub height

Project Location

Technical Characteristics

Capacity10 MW
Type of wind turbinesVestas V110
Number of wind turbines5
Hub height95 m
Total height150 m
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