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local case study



The wind park of San Paolo di Civitate, located in the province of Foggia, Southern Italy has a total capacity of 20MW.

The wind farm consists of 5 turbines: 1 Vestas V126 and 4 Vestas V136 and will provide green energy to 15,900 families.

20 MW of installed capacity
5 wind turbines
V136 82 m and V126 87 m hub height
15,900 homes supplied by green energy

local case study



The wind park of San Paolo di Civitate, located in the province of Foggia, Southern Italy has a total capacity of 20MW.

The wind farm consists of 5 turbines: 1 Vestas V126 and 4 Vestas V136 and will provide green energy to 15,900 families.

20 MW of installed capacity
5 wind turbines
V136 82 m and V126 87 m hub height
15,900 homes supplied by green energy

Project Location

Technical specifications

Total installed capacity20 MW
Type of turbinesV136 and V126
Hub heightV136 82 m and V126 87 m
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